For the seasoned bodybuilding enthusiast, protein is synonymous to muscle growth. After all, this macronutrient helps you grow and repair muscle tissue in conjunction with regular exercise, sound nutrition, and enough sleep.
There’s a short, funny chapter in Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cat’s Cradle (1963) titled “Protein,” wherein a bartender recalls reading somewhere in the news that science had discovered “the basic secret of life.” When pressed on what that was, the bartender answered, “Protein,” and then adding, “They found out something about protein.”
…And then that’s it, and the people go about their lives, which had been unchanged by the significant, scientific revelation that “protein” is the “basic secret of life.”
Whether or not protein is the “basic secret of life,” what seems absolutely true is that protein is the basic secret of success when it comes to health and fitness. For many, protein is the first supplement we consider when we first begin working out.
It’s almost an automatic response to exercise: “Oh, I’m going to start working out, so, therefore, I need to find a good protein supplement.”
Part of this is because we see all committed exercisers drinking post-workout protein shakes, and, well… monkey see, monkey do.
But, also, there’s a reason for this—or rather several reasons—that we’ll get into in this Best Protein Powder Supplements 2020 Edition guide, as well as all the full details on protein supplements, what to look for in protein stack, and so on.
So, read and enjoy!
Table of Contents
Quick List: Best Protein Powder Supplements 2020 Edition
Alright, you opened this article to read about the best protein powder supplements of 2020 and that’s it.
You’re busy, maybe you’re on your way to the gym right now (OOOH, WELL, GOOD FOR YOU!), and you’re in a rush to do some ass-to-the-grass squats. You don’t have time for the full details on protein supplements.
Well, Mr./Ms. Important, here’s a quick list of the Best Protein Powder Supplements this year:
#1. Performance Lab Protein – All natural Oryzatein®-powered brown rice protein demonstrated to build and recover muscle quickly. The leucine in this protein has shown to absorb 30% quicker than leucine in whey protein during clinical studies.
#2. Jay Robb Whey Protein – Established clean whey protein brand which has been around since the late 1980s. |
#3. SFH Pure Whey Protein – A grass-fed whey protein supplement which the manufacturer. |
#4. Do Vitamins WonderWhey – Another whey protein powder for this list. |
#5. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Plant – Not a bad plant-based protein powder option. |
Click here to jump down the page to our deeper analyses of these supplements and why they are the Best 5 protein supplements of 2020, in addition to where you to buy them and how to find the best deals.
Or read on to learn about where the wild world of protein supplements is spinning in 2020, which protein powder trends to look for, and other secrets of the protein
supplement industry.
New Protein Powder Supplement Trends in 2020
Remember when we were hunting wild game for days at a time during those harsh, cold winter months?
While intermittently slurping down raw egg yolks for sustenance (hoping not to get sick from the egg) lest you contract some very mild common cold that, despite its mildness, kills you and your family and the entire tribe?
Of course not, because we’ve culturally evolved waaaayyy beyond our moronic ape-brained ancestors.
Hey, ancestors, ever heard of microwaving the egg first? Idiots.
Granted, we don’t have to look too far back to observe ape-brained behavior among our ancestors. (Just set your grandparents’ TV to “HDMI 2” for an example… just kidding, I love my gram-gram.)
However, to be fair, the now seemingly odd-ball methods of protein intake and supplementation were a result of the OG bodybuilders and athletes test-running a somewhat new field of health, fitness, and sports nutrition.
So, we owe much to them for getting us where we’re at… but where exactly are we? Ironically, we’re back to our primal roots.
We’re in the era of mimicking the wild, natural, harsh conditions of primal mankind, as seen by such fitness trends as intermittent fasting, cold showers, and the whole-food diet.
With regards to protein supplements, the emphasis on natural, whole-food protein sources and all-natural, additive-free ingredients is especially key for protein powder supplements in 2020. Our bodies aren’t designed for the consumption of FD&C Red #40 or all that other junk filling protein supplements these days.
Protein powder supplements are both trending backwards, with their emphasis on natural, whole-food ingredients, and trending forwards, with their bio-enhanced ingredient forms and herbal extracts.
The result is a new type of protein shake that our body recognizes as truly healthy and nutritious, that’s clean and eco-friendly, and that’s absorbed quicker, easier, and safer than any other protein supplement up to this point.
Protein Powder Benefits to Look for in 2020
Anabolic Muscle Gains
Why do we take protein powder supplements? To build muscle, of course!
What other reason could there be? (Well, there are several other reasons, as we’ll get to below.)
Proven to promote muscle gains
According to the New Zealand journal Sports Medicine’s January 2015 issue (via, “As the duration, frequency, and volume of resistance training increase, protein supplementation may promote muscle hypertrophy and enhance gains in muscle strength in both untrained and trained individuals. Evidence also suggests that protein supplementation may accelerate gains in both aerobic and anaerobic power.”
In other words, if you’re into strength training at the gym, protein supplementation should help you achieve that muscular look you’ve always wanted.
Active people need wayyy more protein than sedentary ones
People who exercise vigorously need more protein than sedentary ones. Studies show athletes have a maximum recommended protein intake (RDI) of 2.0 g/kg/day. The average healthy adult needs only 0.8 g/kg/day.
That’s a huge difference.
Ultimately, muscle tissue is primarily composed of proteins
Though today’s highly competitive fitness bloggers have tried to make the topic of “post-workout protein” a complicated one. Usually to generate controversy and, therefore, clickbaited clicks.
It’s really quite simple: supplementing protein as part of a high-intensity training regime helps you increase muscle mass.
Because, after all, muscle tissue is primarily composed of proteins. And if you’re not consuming a higher amount of proteins while exercising, don’t expect a significantly higher increase in muscle mass.
Remember: protein IS NOT steroids…
Don’t get it twisted, though: if you’re worried that protein powders will make you “too big” and give you that “roided out” look, stop worrying. As long as you’re not injecting yourself with anything.
The anabolic muscle benefits of protein only assist you with your fitness goals. It doesn’t completely reroute your body and take it to Schwarzenegger city.
Whether you’re after lean muscle gains or beefcake biceps, the anabolic muscle benefits of a protein powder supplement can help.
Summary: Protein intake is extremely important if you’re aiming to build muscle mass during a ‘bulk’ or maintain muscle mass while in ‘maintainence mode’ or while losing body fat during a ‘cut’.
Post-Workout Recovery
You don’t leave a grueling workout suddenly feeling like your total health and wellness has drastically increased within the past hour or two.
In fact, you feel quite the opposite, and, if anything, your health temporarily decreases when you’re first hitting the gym hard; it can result in muscle fiber trauma (muscle damage or injury).
It’s a hump that’s difficult for many to climb over, but this sort of drop in your wellbeing is the necessary stress-test to keep your body quite literally on its toes.
One way around this is to ensure a greater rate of muscle protein synthesis than muscle protein breakdown.
Taking a protein shake immediately after an intense workout may help switch your torn-up muscles from a catabolic state (muscle breakdown) to an anabolic state (muscle build-up).
Essentially quickening the recovery process from feeling sore and fatigued and meh to feeling stronger and better than ever
On that note, taking a protein shake (around 20g of protein per serving) after a grueling workout may help switch your torn-up muscles from a catabolic state (muscle breakdown) to an anabolic state (muscle build-up).
Summary: Anaerobic exercise or strength training in particular breaks down muscle fibers. It’s crucial to chug on a fast-absorbing protein (we recommend a brown-rice based protein powder) to help kickstart the muscle recovery process.
Muscle-Motivated Fat Loss
Like we earlier mentioned, people normally associate protein supplementation with muscle. It’s something which dates back to the Golden Era of Bodybuilding in the 1960s.
However, these products aren’t just about muscle building. They can also help you torch fat.
Sounds counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to lose weight is to gain weight.
More specifically, you need to gain muscle weight to burn fat weight, given that muscle mass requires the expenditure of energy to maintain and grow. And if you increase your muscle mass, the amount of energy you burn simply while resting increases.
Let’s call it muscle-motivated fat loss.
Of course, by increasing anabolic muscle gains, protein supplements indirectly assist with fat loss.
However, put another way, exercise burns fat virtually regardless of whether or not you take a protein supplement—yet, as research suggests, protein supplements may help spare lean muscle gains while increasing fat loss, with that increase perhaps coming with the sparing of lean muscle gains.
Again, exercise breaks down muscle, which protein supplements help rebuild. By sparing muscle tissue against the catabolic breakdown, protein shakes may quicken your muscle mass gains, thereby improving your fat loss results as well.
Try taking a big-name protein powder with a reputable fat burner such as Performance Lab Fat Burner alongside a protein powder to help you muscle up and lean out.
On-the-Fly Convenience
Chicken is an awesome source of protein. You season the chicken, grill it up, toss that bad boy with some sweet potato yumminess you also baked up on the side, maybe throw it all in a salad with a little bit of quinoa…
…and then you eat it and…well, you go to bed now. Because you just spent half the day on this awesome chicken lunch (that ended up eating for a late dinner).
Of course, this is an exaggeration, but you get the gist: whole foods are great, and you should take the time to eat them.
But if you’re having to exercise on the fly, you’ll need an on-the-fly protein shake that’s convenient, yet high-quality enough to get you the quick post-workout nutrients you need.
Granted, the protein shake doesn’t replace your chicken lunch and/or dinner, but it’s an awesome, convenient supplement to your whole-food meals.
And there’s no reason for your supplements to add any additional inconveniences to the already highly inconvenient, yet rewarding lifestyle that comes with getting all buff and beefy and strong and good-lookin’, and stuff.
Just mix the protein powder scoop with water, shake it up, drink, and go.
Long-Term Health Support
Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts are often wrongfully maligned as being vain and short-sighted in their quote-unquote “selfish” pursuit of, well, being good-lookin’, and stuff.
And, to be fair, many exercisers are complete toe-head morons when it comes to letting everyone know how good-lookin’ and fit they are.
Even so, the long-term health advantages are obvious, and increasingly so with the assistance of protein shake’s long-term health benefits, such as:
- Increasing antioxidant glutathione activity
- Strengthening the immune system
- Optimizing cardio and cholesterol activity
- Reducing excess inflammation
- Warding off exercise appetite cravings
- Supplying calcium for healthy heart and bones
And more.
Because we primarily discuss protein shakes in terms of protein’s effect on muscle mass, we often forget that protein is involved in nearly all other aspects of our health.
Ironically, it requires a short-sighted viewpoint to see the protein-guzzling exerciser as being narrowly self-absorbed and missing the “big picture.”
Protein IS the big picture.
Daily Protein Requirements
The key to unlocking all the above is to have enough protein per serving in your protein supplement of choice.
Any protein supplement that fails to deliver enough protein to assist with your daily protein requirements isn’t much of a protein supplement at all. Especially if you’re a bodybuilder looking to build significant muscle mass.
Mass doesn’t just grow on trees …er, actually, no, it literally does… but I guess what I mean to say is that the mass that grows on trees (and elsewhere) won’t just somehow travel and absorb into your body on its own. You need to go get it—and get enough of it!
There, nailed it.
With the average person’s recommended daily allowance (RDA) hovering around 0.8 gram per kilogram of bodyweight, a 70-kilogram (154 lb.) person needs roughly 56 grams of protein daily.
However, the above-average person, the exercising bodybuilder or athlete, requires more protein daily on a roughly 2.0 gram per kilogram of bodyweight basis.
You see this with BIG-time professional bodybuilders who are constantly eating and planning how to eat enough calories, seemingly as much as they work out. As such, a convenient source of absorbable, packed protein is BIG-time important to your exercise success.
Best Kinds of Protein Powders for 2020
Our Recommended Form: Oryzatein® Rice Protein
While whey is pretty much the go-to protein supplement (see below), Oryzatein® is quickly showing itself to be the protein of the future (and the protein of right now, seeing that you can already buy this stuff).
As the only brown rice protein clinically demonstrated to possess anabolic muscle-building potential comparable to whey protein, with an anabolic leucine amino form that absorbs 30% faster than whey leucine…
Oryzatein® is not only cleaner and greener than milk-based whey protein but also more powerful in terms of boosting muscle gains.
Oryzatein® comes available at 80% and 90% protein concentrates. To nail such a high concentration of rice protein, Oryzatein® extracts from all layers of whole grain brown rice, including the bran, germ, and endosperm, via a low-heat, hexane-free process.
This ensures that the nutrient profile of brown remains intact while isolating and extracting the rice’s protein content, maintaining the nutritional wholeness of “whole grain” rice, so to speak.
All in all, the three key characteristics of Oryzatein® are:
- Supplies all nine essential amino acids, a complete protein profile;
- Matches whey protein in terms of muscle nourishment and growth;
- Provides leucine that absorbs 30% faster than whey leucine.
As such, with this protein source, you can expect quicker muscle recovery and strength gains than perhaps what you’re used to with the bog-standard protein supplement.
- The #1 Oryzatein Protein Powder is: Performance Lab Protein
Whey Protein
The go-to protein supplement for bodybuilders, athletes, and whoever buys protein supplements, whey protein is a generally the most popular protein source. Comprising roughly 20% of cow’s milk…
…whey is the liquid byproduct of processed dairy, usually produced during the manufacture of cheese.
Similar to Oryzatein®, whey protein supplies a fast-absorbing mix of the nine essential amino acids that can’t be synthesized by the body and, thus, must be acquired via dietary means.
It’s this combination of cheap manufacturing, fast absorption, and comprehensive protein that perhaps explains the popularity and pervasiveness of whey protein in post-workout supplements.
There are three whey protein types:
- Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC): typically supplying 70-85% protein, WPC is the cheapest whey form, supplying more fat and lactose than the next two whey types.
- Whey Protein Isolate (WPI): typically supplying 90-95% protein, WPI undergoes another manufacturing step to remove excess fat, lactose, and cholesterol, and, thus, WPI is more expensive than WPC.
- Whey Hydrolysate: broken into smaller protein peptides via enzymatic hydrolysis, whey hydrolysate is the easiest to absorb and the most expensive to manufacture and buy.
The upsides to whey protein: easy to absorb, high protein concentrate.
The downsides: not as good as Oryzatein®, not vegan-friendly. But, all in all, whey protein is a decent go-to.
Casein Protein
Comprising 80% of cow’s milk, casein protein has a much bigger, more complex structure than whey protein, making casein harder to absorb than whey. Because the body absorbs casein around seven to eight hours after consuming, casein is a popular nighttime, pre-sleep protein supplement option.
Similar to whey, casein comes in three supplement forms:
- Micellar Casein: typically supplying 70-90% protein, this is the most common casein and a combination of all five casein types: alpha, beta, delta, gamma, and kappa.
- Calcium Caseinate: typically supplying 90% protein, calcium caseinate is similar to micellar caseine but has better solubility due to its calcium content.
- Casein Hydrolysate: preferred by researchers (not supplement manufacturers), casein hydrolysate is broken into smaller peptides forms that are easier to absorb, similar to whey hydrolysate.
For fast absorbing protein, most bodybuilders go for whey or Oryzatein®, saving the casein for overnight muscle gains. The body recovers and grows overnight. Adding a slow-release protein, such as casein, provides an additional overnight protein source for even better recovery and growth.
Milk Protein
Providing the total milk protein profile, milk protein supplements bridge the gap between milk’s fast- and slow-absorbing proteins, roughly in an 80/20 ratio blend of casein and whey. The idea here being that milk protein potentially fulfills on-the-spot post-workout nourishment while also sustaining hours of slow-released protein recovery.
Really, there’s nothing too special about standard milk protein, at least relative to both Oryzatein® and the more specialized milk proteins (i.e. whey and casein).
This is the same type of protein found in dairy products, such as milk (obviously) and cheese; although, cheese varies in its casein and whey content due to variations in food processing techniques.
With that in mind, if quick recovery and long, sustained protein replenishment is key to your particular fitness goals, milk protein might just be your kinda protein.
Pea Protein
With three non-vegan, milk-based proteins out of the way, we’re going back to the plant-powered stuff with this one. Isolated from dried field peas (Pisum sativum) using a low-heat, water-based process, pea protein provides roughly 50-70% protein, with pea protein isolates hitting even higher at upwards of 90% protein.
Naturally, pea protein appeals to vegans with its plant source right there in the title. Though neutral in taste, pea protein is often used as an alternative to dairy products, giving us such delectable treats as pea-sourced “cheese” and “yogurt.” (To be honest, this writer finds pea-based dairy alternatives pretty bleck… however, pea protein is aight.) As a post-workout protein supplement, pea protein is comparable to whey protein in terms of promoting anabolic muscle mass and reducing appetite cravings.
What’s more, pea protein tends to come with a greater variety of nutrients, providing carbohydrates, vitamins, and fibers alongside its protein content. Likewise, pea protein is a decent source of L-arginine, a popular N.O. booster for improved circulation and muscle pumps.
Best 5 Supplement’s Criteria for the Best Protein Powder Supplements 2020 Edition
Protein powders have one job to do: give us the protein.
However, the way protein powder supplements go about performing this one job makes or breaks their supplement.
In addition to supplementing enough protein to meet our higher-than-normal daily protein requirements, the best protein powder supplements must also meet the following criteria:
- Anabolic: the particular type of protein must possess a greater capacity for anabolic muscle growth than your run-of-the-mill stuff;
- Comprehensive: stacking protein with other post-workout recovery and muscle growth compounds is important;
- Natural: the best protein powder supplements only use naturally sourced, clean, and healthy proteins and additives;
- Tasty: not artificially flavored but genuinely tasty, meaning that the protein powder’s taste must come from naturally tasty ingredients;
- Research: protein powder forms and dosages backed by clinical research possess the most promise and confidence to work;
- Affordable: the price must match the value, simply put, both in terms of quality and quantity (e.g., dosages, ingredients, scoops, etc.)
There’s a meta-layer as well that takes into consideration company reputation and online presence. While, yes, customer reviews tend not to be the best indicator of what’s good in the world of supplements (or maybe anything), we tend to avoid supplements manufactured by companies surrounded by angry scam reports.
With that in mind, here are the Best Protein Powder Supplements 2020 Edition that meet the criteria listed above and come from reputable supplement companies.
Best Protein Powder Supplements 2020 Edition
Best Protein Powder Supplements 2020 Edition
#1: Performance Lab Protein
Our top-ranked protein powder supplement is one of the newest additions to the Performance Lab product line.
Performance Lab Protein is a plant-based protein powder that breaks the generic protein supplement mould with its use of Oryzatein®-branded Certified Organic brown rice protein and all-natural flavors (that taste realllly good).
Packing 20g Oryzatein® brown rice protein per serving, Performance Lab Protein offers a newer form of protein powder that’s:
- easy to absorb
- not to mention clean and green
- safe to use for all dietary lifestyles.
- anabolic leucine form that absorbs roughly 30% faster into the body than in whey protein.
The idea here is fast and total absorption of a cleanly sourced protein to ensure faster, cleaner muscle gains. Powerful, plant-based protein—Performance Lab Protein is truly the best protein powder supplement you can buy in 2020.
To Buy, Visit:
» «
Performance Lab Protein Ingredients
Protein isn’t the only ingredient in this stack. In addition to Oryzatein®, Performance Lab Protein also has:
- Coconut Crystals: adding a tasty degree of coconut sugar to this formula, Performance Lab’s coconut crystals offer significant hydration benefits, improving the uptake of water and nutrients into the bloodstream. Likewise, these coconut crystals improve the absorption of nutrients in solution, effectively improving the rate of this formula’s digestion and absorption into the body.
- Himalayan Pink Salt: another awesome hydration aid, one that’s become somewhat of a staple to Performance Lab SPORT workout supplements, Himalayan pink salt is a unique addition here for its supply of natural, muscle-hydrating electrolytes. The benefits of electrolytes, which deplete with sweaty exercise, are far too underrated, given their role in muscle contraction and replenishment.
Why Performance Lab Protein is the Best
Powered by the impressive Oryzatein® branded rice protein, Performance Lab Protein hits a degree of naturalness that comes at no cost to its muscle-building efficacy.
Quite the opposite, in fact: Oryzatein® has demonstrated itself to be a major game-changer when it comes to providing a cleanly sourced, plant-based, and (most importantly) affordable protein powder.
Not to mention that Performance Lab Protein pairs its rice protein with coconut crystals and Himalayan pink salt for additional post-workout replenishment and rehydration benefits, as well as an incredibly delicious mix of organic cocoa, vanilla bean, yacon root, monk fruit extract, stevia leaf extract, and Ceylon cinnamon.
From the protein to the additives, everything about this protein powder supplement tastes good and feels good. And, thanks to its rejection of synthetic additives and sweeteners, it’s actually good for you, too!
How Much Does It Cost?
Depending on how many containers you add per order, the Performance Lab Protein pricing works as follows:
- One Bottle: $50 for 40 scoops
- Two Bottles: $95 for 80 scoops (5% saving)
- Three Bottles: $135 for 120 scoops (10% saving)
To get the best deal for Performance Lab Protein, click here.
Performance Lab SPORT Protein Summary |
Ingredients: Calories 100, Calories from Fat 10, Total Fat 1.2 g (2% DV), Saturated Fat 0.4 g (1% DV), Trans Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 0 mg (0% DV), Sodium (from Himalayan Pink Salt) 23 mg (0% DV), Total Carbohydrate 2 g (1% DV), Dietary Fiber 1 g (4% DV), Sugars 1 g, Protein (from Oryzatein® – Certified Organic Brown Rice [Oryza sativa] Protein Concentrate) 20 g (40% DV), Himalayan Pink Salt 50 mg, Vitamin A 2.25 mcg RAE (0% DV), Vitamin C <1 mg (0% DV), Vitamin D 0.025 mcg (0% DV), Potassium 1.5 mg (0% DV), Calcium 21 mg (2% DV), Iron 2.1 mg (12% DV), Phosphorus 96 mg (8% DV), Magnesium 9 mg (2% DV), Manganese 1.3 mg (57% DV) |
Clean Label: Yes. All Performance Lab products abide by an exceptionally high standard of quality, potency, and naturalness. All vegan-friendly, eco-friendly stuff here. |
Advanced Delivery: Yes, this is a unique protein powder that is enhanced with probiotic Bacillus coagulans, a probiotic that improves protein absorption, protein health benefits, and gut health. |
Price: $50.00 for a 40-scoop container. |
Any Deals? Oh yes. You can buy two boxes for 5% saving or three boxes for 10% saving on the order price. |
Service: Performance Lab offers 24/7 customer service and a 30-day money-back guarantee. They normally reply quickly, usually within 30 minutes. |
Our Full Review Here |
#2: Jay Robb Whey Protein
Many protein supplements fizzle out as the years go by. Not Jay Robb Whey Protein – it has been on the market since the late 1980s.
In sharp contrast, Jay Robb Whey Protein stays a good choice. It’s a simple and clean protein powder.
Jay Robb Whey Protein Summary |
Ingredients: Calories 110, Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0 g, Saturated Fat 0 g, Trans Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 0 g, Sodium 150 mg, Potassium 390 mg, Total Carbohydrate 1 g, Dietary Fiber 0 g, Sugars 0 g, Protein 25 g, Vitamin A 0 IU, Vitamin C 0 mg, Vitamin C 0 mg, Calcium 30 mg, Iron 0 mg | ||
Clean Label: Yes. Jay Robb Whey Protein boasts of a clean ingredient profile. | ||
Advanced Delivery: No. The manufacturer uses regular protein powder. | ||
Price: $43.76 for a 24-oz. (23-serving) container | ||
Any Deals? Yes. Auto-ship members receive a 20 percent discount on orders at least $40. | ||
Service: Customer service hotline, money-back guarantee, returns policy, exchange policy | ||
Official Website: | ||
Read our in-depth Jay Robb Whey Protein review | ||
#3: SFH Pure Whey Protein
SFH Pure Whey Protein is another protein supplement which should make waves in 2020. It comes as no surprise: it gives you 23 grams of grass-fed whey protein concentrate per serving. gave it exceptional marks in terms of product purity (90) and ingredient safety (96) – two criteria which make a huge impact on customers. SFH Pure Whey is one of the cleanest protein powders on the market, bar none.
As an added bonus, this product is also low in cholesterol, sodium, and lactose. If you want a clean and simple protein supplement which will help you achieve your fitness goals, SFH Pure Whey Protein is more than up to the task.
SFH Pure Whey Summary |
Ingredients: Calories 110, Calories from Fat 10, Total Fat 1 g, Saturated Fat 0.5 g, Total Carbohydrates 3 g, Cholesterol 25 mg, Protein 23 g, Calcium 110 mg, Sodium 40 mg, Potassium 135 mg | ||
Clean Label: Yes. SFH Pure Whey is one of the cleanest protein powders on the market today. | ||
Advanced Delivery: No. The manufacturer uses regular protein powder. | ||
Price: $49.99 for a tw0-lb. bag (30 servings) | ||
Any Deals?†Yes. No., list deals and make notes | ||
Service: Customer service email and hotline, returns policy | ||
Official Website: | ||
Read our in-depth SFH Pure Whey Protein review | ||
#4: Do Vitamins WonderWhey
Do Vitamins WonderWhey is another first-rate whey protein concentrate (WPC) supplement worth taking a look at. It is another clean grass-fed protein powder.
Little wonder the manufacturer says Do Vitamins WonderWhey gives you “benefits without the B.S.” This is one bodybuilding product which cuts to the chase. Not quite as good as our #1, but not a bad choice.
Do Vitamins WonderWhey Summary |
Ingredients: Calories 120, Calories from Fat 14, Total Fat 2 g, Saturated Fat 1 g, Trans Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 55 mg, Total Carbohydrate 3 g, Sugars 2 g, Protein 24 g, Sodium 40 mg, Potassium 95 mg | ||
Clean Label: Yes. Do Vitamins WonderWhey has a clean label. | ||
Advanced Delivery: No. The manufacturer uses regular protein powder. | ||
Price: $59.95 for a two-lb. container (30-day supply) | ||
Any Deals? Subscribe to the newsletter and receive a 10 percent gift card valid on your first order. The company also offers free shipping on orders over $75 as well as student, military, and re-order discounts. | ||
Service: Customer service email and five-star return policy | ||
Official Website: | ||
Read our in-depth Do Vitamins WonderWhey review | ||
#5: Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Plant
In at #5 is Optimum Nutrition’s answer to the plant-based protein powder market. And it’s not bad.
Is it as good as our #1 on this list? No, but it’s certainly better than many other choices out there.
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Plant Summary |
Ingredients: Total Fat 3 g, Saturated Fat 0.5 g, Sodium 210 mg, Total Carbohydrate 7 g, Dietary Fiber 2 g, Total Sugars 1 g, Protein 24 g, Calcium 100 mg, Iron 4.6 mg, Potassium 220 mg, Vitamin C 90 mg, Vitamin B12 0.6 mcg | ||
Clean Label: Yes. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Plant boasts of clean plant-based ingredients. | ||
Advanced Delivery: No. The company uses regular protein powder. | ||
Price: $35.99 for a 680-gram container (19 servings) | ||
Any Deals? No. | ||
Service: Customer service hotline and 30-day returns policy | ||
Official Website: | ||
Read our in-depth Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Plant review | ||
Conclusion on the Best Protein Supplements of 2020
So, there you have it: protein, the basic secret of life, brought to you in various potent, anabolic, muscle-replenishing forms.
With Performance Lab SPORT Protein leading the charge, the year 2020 is shaping up to be the most innovative year in protein-enhanced sports nutrition in a long time. If this is your first protein supplement, lucky you: you’re entering the game at an exciting moment in performance enhancement history.
And if you’re an old, wizened fitness veteran, well… lucky you, too!
The main staple of workout supplements, the protein powder, is only getting better—and so are you. Because, ultimately, it’s you who will be reaping the benefits of these ever-evolving, ever-advancing supplements. Because an advancement in protein supplements means an advancement in your protein.
You are what you eat, and if you’re eating old, crappy protein…
*To buy or learn more about Performance Lab Protein, our #1 Protein Powder, visit:
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